Business security system is identity fraud proof using passwords or biometric fingerprinting

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Cardiff University increased spending Business security system identity fraud proof Spending on hospitality at four Welsh universities – Cardiff, Glamorgan, Swansea and Newport – went under the spotlight using the Freedom of Information Act. It was found that nearly £6.4 million was spent over a three-year period. Cardiff University increased spending from £1,170,785 in the 2007 academic year to £1,571,839 in the 2009 academic year, with a total bill of £4,241,159 for three years. A Cardiff University spokeswoman said the figures “are budgetary headline figures and do not provide a breakdown of spend.”

Access Control Wales supplies and maintains a combined Time and Attendance and security system for your business where employees use the same contactless smart cards for clocking in and to access the premises to save time and money. The multi lingual system is identity fraud proof, as access to WinTAnet is strictly controlled using passwords, pins or biometric fingerprinting scanning. Users are restricted to menu options granted to them, structured around pre-installed configurable ‘roles’. Restrictions by sub section or at a topic level are possible.

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