Digital CCTV works as standalone or integrated security system

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digital CCTV system petrol robberyA habitual criminal was caught on CCTV camera threatening a man working alone late into the night at a Texaco garage. Prosecutor Ann Hampshire said Mr Stevie Harper was at the Devon garage when the defendant David Fairbairn walked in. She said: "Mr Fairbairn entered the shop, two customers were already on the premises, he waited for them to pay and leave before he approached the counter. He immediately demanded all the money from the till, repeatedly making that demand and held in his hand a rock, which he was waving around."

An Access Control Wales digital CCTV system works extremely well as a standalone system, and can also be fully integrated with any previously installed Tensor access control or visitor monitoring equipment to provide a surveillance and security network that is second to none. With digital CCTV, the technology enables the deployment of a network of Digital Video Recorders (DVR’s) using your existing (or separate) Ethernet Network PC infrastructure. As well as evidence quality video clips, further additions to your access system may also include automatic number plate recognition systems.

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