T3512 is complete package for controlling access through a single door

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Danny AlexanderA prominent Minister has been angered by publicly stated concerns about police cuts. Key finance figure Danny Alexander said the Police Federation – which represents rank-and-file officers in England and Wales – was being “irresponsible” when it did not even know yet how deep the cuts would be. The body said that forces would suffer if they were required to find cuts in the order of 25%. However, Mr Alexander told ITV1′s Tonight programme that these interventions were "irresponsible statements”.

Access Control Wales increases protection for your company’s site, and the T3512 is a one door Smart Card Access Control system that has everything you need for controlling access through a single door. It comprises a T3511 controller, WinACnet PC software, magnetic door release, push button, break glass and 10 smart cards. It is everything you need to get a security network started for under £500 for the whole system. Ideal for Windows 2000, XP Professional or Vista, all that is required of your computer network is 50 MB of free hard disk space minimum (for initial installation).

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